Alhamdulillah dah sebulan bekerja sebagai Teacher di KinderKaizen Gombak.
Banyak perkara baru dapat belajar sebagai Tcer disana.
Suasana belajar yang sangat membantu anak-anak kecil berfikir, fokus, belajar tentang perasaan sendiri
dengan cara BERMAIN.
Sebagai guru fokus mendidik menjadi keutamaan. We have nurturing relationship between tcers and students. It's very diff with what we do in traditional school. I mean the system eventho the school/child care is in the middle of big city.
Kita sebagai guru pun seronok lihat anak-anak kecil yang datang rasa gembira.
Perasaan gembira tu penting tau.
Dengan hati gembira anak-anak ini lebih tinggi kreativitinya, kerjasama, problem solving dan banyak lagi. :)
Emotional intelligence is important to focus on in this early life.
Then the readiness to learn will be there.
Who doesn't want their kids have their guts to stay tall when they face hardship.
And keep smiling at that.
That's what we need to prepare them for life right.
Comes the question. For parents and the teachers.
"What can we do to educate the children for happiness and resilience?
Is it with what we are doing right now?"
Kalau dengar apa yang speaker, Dr. Ilona sampaikan memang sangat membuka mata.
* Don't ask your child what they want to be when they grow up,
but ask them what problem they want to solve.
They will learn what they need to do to solve it.
- An uncle from Google person said this.
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